The Tea with Tina

212 | How to Lose 5-10 lbs This Month

Tina Wieland Season 1 Episode 212

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Struggling with those last few stubborn pounds? I'm Tina, and in our latest heart-to-heart, I'm lifting the lid on my six unconventional tips that have empowered countless women to break through weight loss plateaus. Prepare to look beyond the scale and embrace a holistic approach to shedding weight and enhancing your lifestyle, as I share the secrets that go far past diet and exercise, rooted in resilience and self-care.

It's not just about hitting the gym or counting calories. My personal odyssey through Hashimoto's and a hip injury taught me the power of integrating gentle movement like walking and yoga into our daily grind, proving that less can truly be more. And let's talk protein - it's time to bust myths and get serious about tracking our intake. Remember, hydration plays a leading role in our well-being, so grab your water bottle as we chat about guzzling down those ounces for a healthier you.

Then there's the often-neglected stress management - a game-changer for our overall health. We explore how stress is more than mental; it's physical, especially for those grappling with conditions like PCOS and Hashimoto's. By sharing my personal insights on stress's sneaky ways of impacting our lives, I aim to arm you with the strength to face underlying issues head-on. And if you've found value in our conversation, pass it along. Your support is our lifeblood, and together, we can march towards a vibrant, healthier you.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Tea with Tina, your favorite podcast, where we talk all things health, fitness, lifestyle, and maybe a little bit of tea gets spilled. We chat all about this in a super casual environment, so grab your beverage of choice, sit back, relax and enjoy. Relax and enjoy. Hello everyone, and welcome back to another episode of the tea with Tina, and today I'm going to be telling you the five things well, actually six. You get a bonus tip, so stick to the end.

Speaker 1:

That one is my favorite one to lose five to ten pounds this month. These are the things you need to do. They're probably not what you think you need to do, and I am confident that this will get you to lose that weight, because I help women do it literally all the time. All right, so let's dive in. I have a purring banks laying next to me. He's been very clingy the past couple of days. I don't know. He goes through moods. It's going to be my time of the month in a couple of days. I think he, like you, know he can smell those hormones or whatnot. So yeah, but anyways, let's dive in. So the five actually six things that you need to do to lose five to 10 pounds this month, so number one this month.

Speaker 1:

So number one, my favorite is grit. Okay. So what does this mean? Grit? It means enduring through the tough times, and you know I talk about how fitness is often overcomplicated, and you know people want you to work out two plus hours in the gym and you got to follow these crazy fad diets and that's hard. But sticking to something long term. People want you to work out two plus hours in the gym and you got to follow these crazy fad diets and that's hard. But sticking to something long term, even if you're doing things in a simple way, is still challenging. Ok, there's no quick and easy, happy all the time, wonderful fix. If there was, you know we'd all be fit, skinny and beautiful, right. But that doesn't mean I can't simplify it for you and make it easier. You still need grit, okay.

Speaker 1:

So a big part of this that I see in women with grit is to not let your feelings get in the way. That is the problem. We feel. We feel we get sad. You know, something happened, happened. We're tired, we're unmotivated, we're bored. We just don't feel like doing something.

Speaker 1:

And just because you don't feel like doing something doesn't mean that you shouldn't do that thing you've trained your body to actually endure. Through times you don't feel like doing something right. I mean, you brush your teeth every day. You show up for work every day, even though you hate the freaking job you're in. That could be a story for a whole nother time. But you know, some of you show up to your job when you're deathly ill and you should be staying at home. And you endure and you have that grit. Why don't we show up for ourselves? In that same way you might show up for your friends, family, whatever.

Speaker 1:

There are plenty of things that you do on a daily, weekly, monthly basis that you do because you know you're supposed to do it, because there's some sort of consequence if you don't, regardless of how you feel. And it's really time that we take charge of our health and fitness goals and treat it the same way. You should be scheduling your workouts like a doctor's appointment. It should be in there and something that you show up to do for yourself, your self-care. You should be meal planning and meal prepping. That should be a non-negotiable. I don't care how you feel, get in the routine, go out there, create the shopping list, shop for your food. Your future self will thank you later.

Speaker 1:

And this is something that I've struggled with because I am an INFJ personality type. If you don't know what that is, take the 16 personalities quiz. It's very insightful. Only 1% of people in the whole world have my personality type. Yay, but I'm also a highly sensitive person, so I'm somebody who's extremely empathetic.

Speaker 1:

I feel things very deeply. I struggled with this growing up, especially when my hormones were wonky. I feel things very deeply. I struggled with this growing up, especially when my hormones were wonky. I would feel the high highs, which were amazing, but that also meant that I experienced the low lows very deeply. And I still do this to some extent.

Speaker 1:

But let me tell you, being an entrepreneur and just being an adult and living more life living through my husband being deployed to the Middle East for a year, having all kinds of stuff happen, not having a close relationship with my parents I can get into so much, but just living life I've learned to manage those emotions. I have learned to not let what I feel get in the way of what I'm doing. And anytime I find myself in a rut or stuck or overwhelmed nine times out of ten it's because I'm focusing too much on how I feel, and let me tell it to you in another way as well Feeling. I want you to think of feeling, like a river flowing through you. You are, by all means, allowed to experience emotions. It's a part of the human experience. You're allowed to feel sad, cry, laugh, whatever, do what you need to do, but you need to let them pass. You cannot dwell on them, and I know I don't know about you, but me.

Speaker 1:

I always took what I was feeling as a sign from whatever the universe, my body, god, whoever, whatever that I needed to react a certain way because I was feeling that way. But feelings aren't always rational. We feel things for a multitude of reasons and that's why it's important to not focus on them so much. You know, just because you're feeling sad doesn't mean you know it's a sign that you need to lean into that sadness. Or even just because you're feeling happy doesn't mean you know you need to lean into that. So there's a lot of deep work to be done, but I will tell you that you will go further, faster and longer if you learn to not let your feelings get in the way, and I'm a firm believer.

Speaker 1:

This is why I think men tend to be more successful than women, unfortunately, because they don't let their emotions get in the way. That's why they say that men tend to be better leaders. Now, don't get me wrong. I think women are badass and powerful and the fact that we are empathetic and have emotions and we make houses a home and we, we just make things homeier in our lives in general, we add a special touch. We're not so black and white, not so a to b. I think that makes us special, but again it gets in our way, just like with men. Their lack of all of that makes them, you know, lack all the wonderful qualities that women have. So you know it's a give and take, but that doesn't mean that you can't overcome it and work on it and be better. Right?

Speaker 1:

It's funny because at the time of recording this, I'm running my 30 day ab challenge in my client community and you know this is kind of something new. I've tried where I'm running like a minor challenge every single month just to keep people motivated as like a little side thing, and it's open to non clients, to my clients get free access to it. That's just one of the perks you get. Any like extra fun stuff that I do my coaching clients get that for free. Any like extra fun stuff that I do, my coaching clients get that for free. But if you want to be a part of that and kind of you know, get your seat in the client space and jump in on the fun, stay tuned. I know next month for the month of June 2024, I will be doing a stretching challenge. They've been killing it with squats for April and they did all this ab work for May, so I'm going to reward them with some stretching for June. So it's going to be wonderful. But yeah, I'll be working on that.

Speaker 1:

But in the group I said something so powerful I was talking about this that you know you guys might be behind on your challenge and skipping days because you feel. You know you feel like you're behind, you feel defeated, you feel like you're not good enough. You know you have all these feelings and you dwell on them when instead you can just pick yourself up and choose to do. Do through the discomfort, do through the feelings, do through all of that stuff. Of that stuff. And something that I told them that might have shocked them and may shock you is that if I based my life on how I was feeling, I would not be doing anything, I would not be running that challenge because at the time of me telling them that, I said, within the past 24 hours, I cried, felt depressed, felt hopeless, was happy, laughed, felt joy. I felt the whole range of spectrum and that's not abnormal. But I'm just letting you know, too, that people who do show up in fitness space, in the business space, people that you might look up to, they experience the same things as you, but the only difference is is that they choose to move forward despite feeling those things. Okay, they make it look easy, but it's, I promise, they go through the same stuff. They just learn this skill of grit.

Speaker 1:

All right, so that's one of my favorite ones to talk about. Number one. Number two we're talking about movement. This is going to help you lose 5 to 10 pounds this month. Movement. Why do I say movement instead of exercise? I actually.

Speaker 1:

But movement is so important because I think when we think about exercise, we think, oh my God, I got to go to the gym. I have to do this formal, structured workout. I walk into the gym. I don't know what to do. I'm just going to go on machines, do three machines. I'm not going to challenge myself on the weight and I'm going to walk out. Okay, that's usually what happens.

Speaker 1:

Now, one of the problems there is that you guys probably, like, aren't educated enough to assemble your own programs or you are blindly following, like IG, swipe workouts or something from your favorite influencer and it might not apply to you, and you're just wondering why you can't get results. Okay, that's that's why you hire a coach, by the way. But? But movement is a broader spectrum, right, and this really helped me, especially when I was going through getting diagnosed with my Hashimoto's. I had my hip injury. I just had everything going on. So I changed the realm to movement because I literally could not work out anytime. I did upper body, lower body, anything. Even if I walked too long, I was in pain, waking up in the middle of the night, deep pain, okay. So I was like, well, I'm just going to move. Sometimes that was a five to 10 minute yoga video. That was a walk outside. I got pretty good. I would do like eight miles of walking. I loved it and like the me going through. That is why walking is such a deeply ingrained part of my routine now, and just being in nature is so wonderful, so you don't even know with.

Speaker 1:

Maybe what you're going to experiment with will become a part of who you are in the future, because you went through that adversity, that time where you didn't want to show up, because you couldn't show up, perfectly right, but you could do yoga, biking, swimming, dancing in your room, doing a Zumba class. I mean, there's so many things you could do as long as you're moving. I do agree, though, that after a while, if you're going to do this consistently, definitely incorporate at least two days of some sort of strength training with free weights and machines. If you need help with that, send me a message. I can help you out. But for the time being, to get the ball rolling, to get the reps in, just do some sort of movement, daily movement, okay, so that's what I'm going to challenge you to do Five minutes, 10 minutes, 30 minutes, 60 minutes, whatever you want to do, say how can I move more today, and I guarantee you you're going to burn more calories.

Speaker 1:

Your metabolism is going to speed up. Don't get so caught up on the what should I be doing? And just simply start, because that's what paralyzes us. We think, oh, if I don't do the exact routine that that six-pack fit influencer, with the big booty that I look up to, is doing. It's wrong and I'm just going to not do anything at all. That sounds silly, doesn't it? Like you're not going to get anywhere if you don't do anything at all. So you might as well show up and just do something. Take the messy action, do the movement. Sorry if you heard the obnoxiously loud truck.

Speaker 1:

My apartment is in front of the busiest street in town. It's relatively a quiet town, but this is the street that everybody goes on. There's like five stop signs so we always get, like you know, each block is a stop sign. We get all these people that like rev their car up to the stop sign and then rev it up to the next one. It's a fun time, let me tell you. But that was number two. So we have grit and movement things to get you to lose five to ten pounds this month.

Speaker 1:

Number three is protein. Protein is queen, let me tell you. From just coaching so many women and talking to so many women, I would guess to say that most of you guys are probably eating around 50 to maybe 80 grams of protein a day. No, that is not enough. And if you look at the USDA guidelines or the government guidelines or whatever. That's actually what they recommend for like a 2000 calorie diet. It's like 60 to 80 grams of protein. That is not enough. And let me tell you that those guidelines they're basing it off of the average American. That doesn't mean that they're basing it off of a healthy American. They're thinking about the average American who works like a cubicle job. They don't work out. You know. They might try to walk every now and then. They're just average. They're not trying to get fit.

Speaker 1:

If you are somebody who's trying to get fit, lose fat, lose the weight you need to keep protein high your kidneys aren't going to fail out. You're not going to get bulky. Those are all myths. Can I also say the only reason that your kidneys would fail is if you have a very rare underlying kidney condition where your kidneys struggle to filter out things. That's where the kidney failure thing came from. Someone pulled that out of context and used it as a scare tactic for people. I couldn't believe it, but they demonized protein and, yes, my dad actually told me that if I eat too much protein, he doesn't want my kidneys to fail and he doesn't want me to get too big and bulky. So, yeah, my parents don't work out um, but no protein's good.

Speaker 1:

I actually usually eat anywhere between 130 to 150 grams a day. Um, you can actually even eat more. Well, I could eat more than that. I recommend that you get at least 100. 100 grams is good. So, currently, try to track what you're eating.

Speaker 1:

I'm a big fan of tracking your food. If you're not tracking, you have no idea what you're putting in your body. So it's a crapshoot. Even if you're intuitively eating, you kind of need to know how food works to intuitively eat. Okay, because you can't just blindly go in.

Speaker 1:

I just did a video the other day. I weighed out my sweet potato a large sweet potato and my fitness tracker said oh, it's 190 calories. Well, when I weighed out my sweet potato, it was 400 calories, because you know the sizes of potatoes are completely different, so I had to adjust that or I would have been eating 200 calories more than I thought. You do that two, three times a day. You're going to be gaining weight and you'll be like what the heck? I eat sweet potatoes and ground beef and veggies. Why am I gaining weight? Right?

Speaker 1:

So definitely track your food, see where your average protein level is and then slowly bump it up. I don't want you to. Just, you know, if you're eating 50 grams, don't try to get to 100. That's going to be super unsustainable. Slowly add in more. You know Greek yogurt protein shakes. Add in more. You know greek yogurt protein shakes. Bigger servings of meat um, you know, try to get it in in little ways where you can. But protein does help us stay fuller longer. It helps keep the muscle that we work so hard for when we're working out, while we lose fat. And in my experience with myself and all my clients, when we bring that protein up because most of the time they're eating way too many carbs and fats and not enough protein their body composition changes drastically. They get the curves that they want, even if they're eating the same amount of calories. It's amazing how much the quality of their life and the way their body looks changes because they're actually hitting their protein goals. So that is why protein is queen and before you think about revamping anything else in your nutrition, switch with uh, make sure you're tracking enough protein first.

Speaker 1:

All right, so that is number three. Oh, and I guess a little tidbit I should add. I was saying eat at least a hundred grams, you want to ideally get, I would say, anywhere between 0.8 up to 1.1 or 1.2 grams of protein per pound of ideal body weight, okay. So whatever your kind of goal weight is because let's say you're 250 pounds and you want to lose 100 pounds you should not be eating 250 grams of protein. That is way too much and it doesn't work with what your goals are. You should be eating closer to that 150 grams because it's your goal weight, okay. So just a little tidbit to help you with that. Okay. So that's number three. Number four, kind of one that I finally jumped on the bandwagon because I thought it was gimmicky but it is real and I think maybe it applies more so to me with Hashimoto's, because actually my coach had Hashimoto's and she's really big on on this.

Speaker 1:

So number four is water and electrolytes. Okay, and I also think there's kind of some bad electrolytes out there and it also depends on the person. So let me give you some background for me. I come from a family that has high blood pressure and I don't know if it's a genetic component. To be honest, my family's really bad about going to the doctors and getting vaccines and getting checked up. So I try to be on top of things, but from what I know, my mom had high blood pressure. She was a smoker but she was very thin. So I don't know if it was genetic, I don't know if it was from the smoking, but she always struggled with it. Me, I got white coat syndrome going to the doctors so I would panic and my blood pressure would be borderline.

Speaker 1:

So I was always hesitant to consume excess sodium, especially now that you might see Element, that is an electrolyte powder. Some of them can have like a thousand milligrams of sodium. That's a lot of sodium. Even the Gatorades, the Gatorade Zeros, they only have like 200 milligrams of sodium and that's it. There's no. There's other electrolytes other than sodium. You want potassium, magnesium. All those are essential and people often lack potassium and magnesium.

Speaker 1:

So I was thinking well, I probably get a good amount of sodium from my everyday life. You know, people who could benefit from more sodium is probably people with low blood pressure, people who run long distance or train very hard for over 60 to 90 minutes at a time. So if you're somebody who's training like an athlete six days a week, you're pushing yourself, maybe you do hybrid training, trail running, you know all that kind of stuff and you're sweating and you're losing all that salt, you would benefit from it. But if you're just like an average run-of-the-mill gal trying to work out 30 to 60 minutes, you know you're training hard, but we're not training like an athlete running like two plus miles a day. You probably don't need that, okay. So that's why I strained away from it. But I also, you know, there's more and more research coming out that says that people are actually under consuming sodium and when we under consume sodium it throws our electrolyte balance off and that can actually cause high blood pressure too, and it can cause a lot of different things.

Speaker 1:

I don't think the sodium was my issue, though. I get, you know, a normal amount of sodium and it's not super low, but it's not super high which you can track your sodium, you know, a couple of days if you want to see where you're at Cause a lot of foods have sodium in them that you don't think would and it adds up. But I noticed that I was feeling tired and drained and weak. So one of the things I started to do was adding in electrolytes, and one of those my favorite holy grail electrolyte drink is Body Armor Lights, not the Body Armor Zeros and not the Full Sugar Body Armors. We don't want to waste our calories, we don't want a ton of sugar, we don't want artificial sugars. So the Body Armor Lights are perfect, depending on what size you get. They're like 10 to 40 calories a bottle. They have a great amount of potassium but it's like not too much where you're going to over consume it and a great amount of magnesium, which two things that we tend to be severely lacking.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so I actually drink one of those every day in the morning. I get the peach mango flavor. It's delicious. Um, it's naturally sweetened and has like five grams of sugar, so it's not bad at all. It has a little bit of carbs, no sodium how amazing is that? So anybody out there who maybe has to watch their sodium intake, this would be perfect, and I think it'd be perfect for the average person to start out with. So I've been drinking it every day and I've noticed huge difference in my hydration.

Speaker 1:

Because here's another thing Just because you're drinking a ton of water, that can actually make you be depleted from electrolytes because you're flushing everything out, because it's just plain water. My husband actually, when he was in the Middle East, it got up to like 125 degrees there. Okay, they had pallets of water to drink from, obviously, because you're sweating so much, but the water had to be infused with this nasty tasting electrolyte powder because when these guys were chugging water, they would actually pass out from drinking too much water because they depleted all of their electrolytes and their balance was thrown off. So that's why it's important that if you are going to drink a ton of water, you need to be supplementing with electrolytes. Okay, and this is one of those things too.

Speaker 1:

I don't want to get too off topic here, but this is one of those things where context kind of plays in, because if you look at somebody who consumes a good amount of sodium okay, maybe higher than the average person, but they're active, okay, and they drink a ton of water to help flush any excess sodium out, they may be okay, right, compared to somebody who eats the same amount of sodium and doesn't drink enough water and they just sit at a desk all day, right, enough water and they just sit at a desk all day, right, that's probably going to stay in their body and give them blood pressure problems, heart problems, water retention, all that stuff. So you see how it kind of comes down to context with what you're doing. But yes, I love my electrolytes. They are a holy grail. You can actually get your blood work tested to see what your potassium and magnesium levels and stuff are. If you're a little weary and you just want to see where you lie on the spectrum, even if you're in the low normal range, it wouldn't hurt to probably supplement. So something you can do. You can ask your doctor, you can order your own blood work. I like to use Ulta Labs, go to like a Quest Diagnostics and just get it tested yourself. Usually the tests are pretty cheap $30 to like $100 max. Check them out. So that's something you can do.

Speaker 1:

And then just one more note with the water and the electrolytes we didn't touch on water specifically too much. I will tell you, most people that I talk to are like I only drink 20 to 40 ounces of water a day. I'm like how are you alive? I used to do that too. I survived off of like soda and stuff, and you kind of don't realize how dehydrated you are until you start drinking more water and the second you don't have it. You're like oh my God, what have I been missing out on? So let me just say if you're not getting at least 60 ounces of water, try to shoot between 60 to 100 and watch, watch how great you feel. Just do it. Try to get it. Get a little water jug with the times. Set a timer on your phone. Whatever you have to do to drink more water, it is the freest, easiest way to benefit from everything. Okay, so that's number four. Number five I kind of touched on this a little bit we're going to lean into it is context.

Speaker 1:

Context is going to help you lose five to 10 pounds this month. How Well, something that you may not be thinking of with the era of TikTok and Instagram. And you scroll through all these reels and TikToks and you see do this to lose five pounds, do this move, and you'll get a flat stomach. Do this for a snatched waist, do this for a big booty, do this for cortisol face. You know everything has context. Okay, you need to look at the situation and the information and see if it applies to you, which is kind of why I love my coaching methodology and the things that I teach you guys, even on this podcast. Not to brag, but it's more of a humble brag, because the tips that I give you are perfect for everybody.

Speaker 1:

I work with general population women, not athletes, which I can but most people that I work with are gen pop and I consider myself gen pop and I was a victim of listening to all these herbal. You know, take this herbal supplement, do this routine, and it actually messed me up and made me worse Because I didn't use context to see if it would apply for me. You know, I didn't test my blood work to see if my levels were off to begin with before I started supplementing with something. I didn't see if it was safe, I didn't see if it would work with my body, so it threw me all out of whack and I was wasting my time when instead I could have went to the basics and started with those and made sure I had a strong foundation to get healthy off of, which is all the things I'm telling you here.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so make sure, when you look at fitness advice, is this contextually right for me? You know, is the 20 year old Instagram influencer jumping around doing this hour long workout going to fit for a mom of three that doesn't have time to work out in a gym and maybe she can really benefit from just 20 minute quick body weight at home workouts right, you know, you don't have to do what she's doing to get results. Or the guy who decides to do an all meat diet. I'm not saying it's bad, but like, if you don't want to eat all meat, like it's not going to work for you. Context um, you know, just because somebody says it and says it's it works, does not mean it is right for you or you should do it. I'm giving you permission that everything you see does not mean it's set in stone and you should do it. I'm giving you permission that everything you see does not mean it's set in stone and you should do it. Okay, maybe even my advice, but I stand firm that my advice is pretty like hey, this works for pretty much everyone, so we have that, and that's also another reason. This is where one on one personalized coaching comes in. Okay, because I can tell you all the basics. You can literally, like I said, listen to this podcast, apply these things and you will lose five to 10 pounds this month. I guarantee, if you stick to these consistently, you will lose five to 10 pounds this month. But every person is different and if you want a total transformation and a long-term transformation.

Speaker 1:

A lot of the times that context comes into play and that's where people get stuck, they get confused and they need that outsider perspective to look in on their life and maybe formulate something to help them in their unique situation. Like the mom of three, she's like I just see all these fitness people doing all this stuff and I can't do that. Well, we formulate a specific plan to help her reach her goals. Or maybe someone likes to eat a certain way and she's like I just like to eat processed foods. All the time I'm driving through the Starbucks line and everybody's telling me to eat fruits and veggies. How do I get from A to B? And we give you the baby steps to get there. It's amazing how many people I work with one-on-one with unique situations, where we do focus on the basics, but with little tweaks to fit their lives, to make them get results. It's incredible. You know, time and time again I have people telling me this is the longest I've ever stuck with a fitness routine. This is the longest I've gotten results. Tina, I've worked with coaches before. They just tried to fit me into their box, but this is actually working for me and I think that's what makes me stand out and I think that's what makes me a great coach, and if that's somebody that you're looking for, let's chat. Okay, I'm just letting you know that. But context Number six, the bonus tip of things that you need to do to lose five to 10 pounds.

Speaker 1:

Let's do a quick recap. Number one we have grit. You got to push through the feelings and do it even when you don't feel like it. Number two is movement. You have to move every day in some way, shape and form. Number three is protein. Protein is queen. You got to make sure you're getting at least 100 grams. Number four is water and electrolytes. Make sure that we're balanced, feeling good, feeling energized. Number five is context. Just because somebody says it works doesn't mean it's going to work for you.

Speaker 1:

And number six the bonus one is stress management. Now, let me get into that a little bit, because when you say stress, when I say stress, when you hear stress, you probably think, oh yeah, just like, don't worry too much. You know I don't feel worried. I don't have like the butterflies in my stomach. You know I'm good, like, my stress is fine. Okay, stress goes beyond worrying and let me also just say that you could be worried and stressed out, but you're so adapted and used to it that you don't even realize you're stressed. And those are the worst kinds of people. I'm raising my hand over here. You can't see me, but I am.

Speaker 1:

That was me. I was fueled by anxiety, fueled by stress. That's what I thought would keep my performance high, because I was so stressed to be perfect about things that I would get things done and at a high level. But it was killing me. It was killing me. I was drained, I was exhausted all the time. I was stressed out all the time. It wore down on me and I believe that's one of the reasons I have the conditions like the PCOS and the Hashimoto's that I do have, because I didn't deal with everyday things in a healthy way. But it's all I knew, so that's all I did, and I've become a lot chiller over the years. Um, so stress management is huge and, wouldn't you know it? My conditions have gotten a better and I was spinning my wheels when I was doing all the things that you know, I listed to you before. I was doing all those things.

Speaker 1:

But my stress if your stress is not controlled, because stress is an inflammatory response, being stressed, your body kind of reacts different. It's almost like that fight or flight. It's thinking about life or death, even if the situation you're in isn't life or death. Your body doesn't see that. Your body's just trying to keep you alive. It can mess with a lot of things and I don't think there's enough, there's not enough scientific evidence out there, because stress and like all that stuff that happens in our bodies when we're stressed is kind of hard to measure. It looks different in everybody, it expresses differently in everybody.

Speaker 1:

You know, maybe you've known someone who has gone to the hospital because they had like a racing heart or they're having a panic attack and they felt like they were having a heart attack and then they got all the blood work done, they did all the tests. They're like you're fine, nothing's wrong. But they were experiencing all these symptoms but there was no way to measure it and that was from anxiety and stress. I know a lot of people. They might get hives, they might get psoriasis, like dry scalp, they might get an eye twitch. You know there's a lot of different things that can manifest because of stress and stressors.

Speaker 1:

So it's important to identify the stress in your life and try to manage it. So one doing these healthy things is going to help because it's going to give your body a fighting chance and a strong base to combat that stress. Right, if we already have a stressed out, deprived body, throwing more stress on it is going to make it worse. So the best thing you could do is nourish yourself with water, enough food, movement, like all the things that we went over. But another thing is is you got to work on your mindset?

Speaker 1:

Okay, maybe there was some, you know, trauma, and I don't mean like PTSD type trauma, really anything that happened to you as a kid growing up. Maybe you were bullied in school, maybe you don't have a good relationship with your parents, or you had a fallout with your friends, maybe a bad body image. You know there's so many things. You kind of need to tackle those because they will pop up in our everyday lives and if we don't face them, they get stored. They get stored and really they don't have anywhere to go. Some days they creep out in physical and they manifest themselves in a physical way. And they do show up in our lives subliminally, so subliminally that we don't realize it, and a lot of people out there are self-medicating, self-numbing, even through exercise. Although it is a healthier option than maybe doing drugs or something, it can still be very toxic.

Speaker 1:

Um, a lot of people are dealing with it by not dealing with it. So they're just like oh, I'll just work out for two hours because that'll get my mind off it and I'll just make myself so tired that I can't think about it. Or I'm going to drink and party, because I'm happy when I'm drinking and partying and I'm not dealing with this. Or mommy's going to have her wine at the end of the night because her kids are just a handful and she does not want to deal with it, so she's going to numb herself. There's so many ways that we're numbing and you know, whatever it might have its place I've done it too but in the end of the day you're not getting anywhere, you're not moving yourself forward by doing that. It feels good in the moment, but you're only hurting yourself in the long run and you need to get to the root of your stress.

Speaker 1:

And that's another big thing that I do with my clients. I kind of take my coaching a step further Now. I never step out of my realm of practice, because that's something for a therapist, for sure. But if it somewhat relates to your health and fitness journey, I always kind of ask about your life and I truly believe this is a good quality Like if your doctor does this Really, any type of like physical therapist, whatever. As like if your doctor does this, um, really any type of like physical therapist, whatever asks about this. Because, again, context, I think it's important. I mean, I've had clients that this is a perfect example.

Speaker 1:

I had an in-person client we were training and uh, she kind of seemed off and I was like you know, okay, like I'm gonna observe this, see what happens, because you know us trainers. We don't just you know at least trainers. We don't just you know at least good trainers. We don't just route, route, route off, round off like exercises. Sorry, I had like a brain fart there. We don't just say exercises to you and we count reps.

Speaker 1:

No, there's a lot of stuff going on in my mind that you guys aren't seeing. I'm watching the micro movements of your form. I'm not going to say anything unless something is wrong. I'm looking at your breathing. When you walk in the door I'm going to say how was your day? Did you have a stressful day? If you tell me you had a stressful day. The program I had planned for you is probably going to get modified. Okay, or maybe you're angry and you want to get the energy out. We're going to adjust your workout, we're going to do some ball slams and we're gonna picture that your boss's face is on the floor. You know, there's a lot of little things that I put into my programs for my clients and I take into account.

Speaker 1:

But getting back to this girl, she seemed a little off and she's like oh, I'm just stressed, you know, you know the usual. And, um, she took some like pre-workout and, uh, I think it had like maybe 300 or 400 milligrams of caffeine, which is okay because, like, as long as you don't go over 400 milligrams, you tend to not have bad side effects, unless you're maybe caffeine sensitive. I try not to go over 200, to be honest, because I'm caffeine sensitive, but okay, so we're working out, we're doing stuff. She gets dizzy, okay, dizzy to the point where she felt like she was going to pass out. We weren't doing anything strenuous, we weren't doing anything out of the ordinary that we normally don't do. She had to sit down. I said you know what's going on, um, did you eat whatever?

Speaker 1:

Come to find out that she's extremely stressed. She's one of those like, oh, it's fine, like, but she's dying on the inside. You know, if you're listening, you could probably relate. She had the caffeine on top of it so that exacerbated it and she just had a lot going on that has been building up over time and her body was clearly not at a point that she could work out Because her stress was at a 12 out of 10. And working out is a stressor, so if you throw that stress on top of it you're going to break. Okay, so her body could not handle it for that reason and it was because of the stress. And I've had that happen with clients before. They don't have it in them, they get dizzy, they're exhausted and they're doing everything else Right, but it's stress which is why sometimes we need to manage that, because we won't be able to move forward. We won't.

Speaker 1:

And I always say do not feel bad for being selfish and working on you and taking you know, if you got to take a time away from your kids and say, hey, I need my quiet time, if you need to take time to do your workout, say, screw you, I'm doing my thing. This is for me because, yes, you're being selfish in a way, but also you're showing up as your best self for everyone else. You're showing up as your best you for everyone else. Because would you rather be this stressed out I'm one comment, like snide comment away from freaking out and blowing up on my husband and kids, or would you rather take some time away, be selfish, let them get angry for a little bit, but then you fill up your cup and you show up as your best you so you can be the best mom, the best wife, the best co-worker, the best daughter, the best whatever for everybody, because you take care of you first and once you do that, watch the pounds melt away. Okay, so I'm going to wrap it up there.

Speaker 1:

I hope that you loved this episode. If you did, I would really appreciate if you shared it with somebody. Share it on your stories, tag me. I don't like advertise for this podcast. I don't get money from this podcast. I just like to give value to you guys sit down and chat, so the only way other people benefit from it is if you share it. So that would mean a lot to me. Um, you can also text me in the show notes. There's a new feature send me a text, let me know your thoughts. If there's anything you're struggling with, how you thought about the episode, I will get those messages. If you um, send me a text and other than that, I think that's all I got. Guys, so enjoy. I hope you take these. If you're struggling and you're like I need to lose the weight, do these tips. I guarantee you, if you stick with it, you will see the results and have a good rest of your day and we'll chat soon. Bye.

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