The Tea with Tina

213 | "Healthy" Recipes Could Be Preventing Your Weight Loss Efforts -- Here's Why

Tina Wieland Season 1 Episode 213

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Ever find yourself questioning the so-called 'healthy' recipes that flood your social media feeds? You're not alone, and today's Tea with Tina is all about busting the myths surrounding nutrition labels and giving you the real skinny on what's actually good for you. I'm sharing my own spicy takes and insights, plus introducing you to my newsletter, Tina's Tidbits, where I curate family-friendly recipes that keep both your waistline and taste buds happy.

In this episode, we're shredding the confusion around food labels, tackling the extremes of the fitness spectrum, and empowering you with the knowledge to make informed choices. No guest needed when we're getting down to the nitty-gritty of everyday nutrition, just straight talk and practical tips. Join me as we navigate the misleading world of 'healthy' tags and discover macro-friendly meals that genuinely deserve the spotlight. Let's raise our cups to becoming savvy, health-conscious foodies together!

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Speaker 1:

Hello everyone, welcome to the Tea with Tina podcast. I'm on my period and I am feeling spicy, so get ready for a spicy episode. Alright, let's get started. Welcome to the Tea with Tina, your favorite podcast, where we talk all things health, fitness, lifestyle and maybe a little bit of tea gets spilled. We chat all about this in a super casual environment, so grab your beverage of choice, sit back, relax and enjoy, okay, guys, so you know, I haven't actually seen anybody else talk about this, so I don't know if it's something that maybe isn't well known in the community. But check your freaking healthy recipes. Beware of the healthy recipes, okay, recipes. Okay, because you know I look for healthy recipes and I really started looking because I have a free newsletter called Tina's Tidbits. If you're not aware of that, there's a link to join in the description box below. So get on that. If not, because it's free, okay.

Speaker 1:

And the idea behind Tina's Tidbits is because I see a huge gap in the fitness industry in general. This is going to expand out a little bit In the fitness space. The nutrition sucks. It's on a spectrum okay. We have the super holistic, healthy green smoothie, smoothie bowl, girls selling herbal powder, tea, stuff, and then we have, like the super, if it fits your macros. Here's a weird tasting yucky pizza with protein powder in it, like there's just there's no balance, there's no like practical nutrition. Right, it's all on this extreme. And another gap that I'm seeing, which I'll get into in a second.

Speaker 1:

But I created this email, the Tina's Tidbits, because I'm getting ahead of myself. But I created the Tina's Tidbits for a daily healthy recipe sent straight to your inbox. So I send you a recipe and the tidbit is a little thought from me, okay, but the recipe, it could be a breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack, dessert. The goal of it was I wanted to share with you a realistic recipe, something that can be healthy or healthier, something that maybe your kids would also enjoy. It doesn't have to be like plain chicken, broccoli, rice. It doesn't have to be a frankenfood, it doesn't have to be super crazy with all these weird rare ingredients, or you don't have to like buy a certain protein supplement to like make it right. Just normal foods but with a little bit of a healthier twist, okay.

Speaker 1:

Well, when I look for these recipes, I tend to try to find ones that list calories and macros, the protein, carbs and fats, because I mean, just like when you buy a product at the store and it has a nutrition label. I think recipes should also be required to have a nutrition label on it, because you want to know, depending on your diet, like okay, are the calories going to work? Like. That's usually a make or break for me with certain things. I'm like, ooh, like let me see, oh, that's a little high calorie and high fat. And then I think and I'm like, how can I maybe substitute stuff out to make it healthier? You know, so it gets you thinking a little bit, but I think it gives the consumer power. Okay, well, the trend I'm seeing because I'll look through Instagram, tiktok, pinterest, even just Google search, for, you know, generic websites 90% of these recipes do not have nutrition information. Okay, or they won't have accurate nutrition information, and I know just from being in the space and tracking my nutrition so long that I know it's not right. So that's concerning okay, and I think it's just because anybody and their mother can create something on the internet.

Speaker 1:

And a lot of these recipe sites, like I said, are not displaying the nutrition, but they will label it healthy. They will label it high protein, but you don't see how much protein's in it. It'll label it low carb. It doesn't tell you how many carbs are in it. It'll just say like, oh, it's low carb, and you just assume that it is.

Speaker 1:

I will tell you the one website that I like. There's another one too. Oh, two of them Lauren Fit Foodie. She's great. She has great macro friendly recipes. And oh Snap Macros. Those are two of my favorite. Like that's the vibe I go for. They create really delicious macro friendly meals. They list the full macros. They list the grams if you want to weigh it out, the portion sizes, so they're good about that. And they give you the power of like, hey, like, this is how you can make it healthier if you want to make it lower calorie or whatever. So I love that because it takes the stress out of making something Okay.

Speaker 1:

But let me tell you why you should be concerned that these healthy recipes don't have nutrition, because I check them like a good person If they don't have nutrition. I check them before I put them into my mailing list, because I'm like, okay, maybe they just didn't do it, let's see what it is. And you can do this very easily as well. I teach this to my clients. So on MyFitnessPal free version.

Speaker 1:

You can go under recipes and you can hit import recipe. You can take the link, the URL of whatever recipe it is, copy and paste it. It should import the ingredient list for you. Now you can adjust it because sometimes it's not perfect. Or if you want to sub in something like, maybe, instead of rice you do a sweet potato, or you change the type of meat you're using, you can sub it out. Or you change the type of meat you're using, you can sub it out. Okay, and you can get the itemized breakdown of the recipe and making sure the macros are right for all the items you're using, or you're using a different brand of product or something. And once you hit complete, it'll give you it actually gives you a nutrition label, which is cool the calories and the full macro breakdown, okay. And you can adjust the serving size too, if you. Maybe you want to say, okay, well, what if I did like half of an actual serving so you could see like what a smaller portion would be? You know you can adjust that as well, but, um, so I did that.

Speaker 1:

Let me tell you I was appalled. The one site. I tried to find it again, but I couldn't find it. The one site was like low carb recipes and they all had 70 plus grams of carbs per serving. Okay. The other one was like high protein and it had 10 grams of protein and I'm like, are you freaking, kidding me? The desserts are really guilty of this.

Speaker 1:

I actually just posted a, at the time of recording this, a healthy dirt cup recipe. I'm proud of myself because I calculated the macros and it's 350 calories and 30 grams of protein for one serving. But in the caption, you know, I put the full macros and I said, hey, if you want to make this a little bit lighter calorie, maybe split it in half, because 350 calories for a dessert could be a lot for somebody and it could be not a lot for other people. So, yeah, that pissed me off. So just be aware when you're looking for healthy recipes, because I can see that people who aren't tracking their macros I could very easily see them, just you know, picking a couple healthy recipes, especially the ones that are like healthy chocolate cake, healthy alfredo pasta, and they'll just say it's healthy because maybe they use like protein pasta instead of regular pasta, which is great.

Speaker 1:

I'm so happy that we're making healthy substitutes, but the calories still stuck, like you can still be eating quote unquote healthy and still be going way over on your calories and being like super under on your protein. So not only should we be aware of our healthy choices, we should be aware of the amounts of foods. Which is why I am so passionate about tracking your macros because let me drill it into your head, tr tracking macros is not a diet, it is a tool. You could literally not change a thing about what you're eating right now, even if you're drinking beer, wine, mcdonald's, and you could simply just track it in a food tracker and it would give you data. It would say oh, timothy, you're eating 3000 calories, you eat 100 grams protein, you eat 300 grams of carbs. It's like having a little robot assistant.

Speaker 1:

And the goal with tracking is I really at least for me is I want you guys to bring awareness to what you're eating. So when you use it, you go oh man, when I use this much shredded cheese, it's like it uses up a lot of fat and like it's a lot of calories. Maybe I should cut back on that. Or like oh, I'm really low on my protein. I can double up my protein size and not really have to sacrifice a lot of calories, or like oh, I notice, on Friday nights I go like I eat like 300 extra calories more. Why is that? So? It's to bring awareness to your current eating habits. It's just data. Now we can set goals. We can set goals and be like oh well, your macro goal is this and your calorie goal is this to get a an outcome if you want to lose weight or whatever.

Speaker 1:

But I still think it's a great tool for everybody to learn, because eventually you want to be able to stop tracking and you can know just from tracking so many times, like, oh yeah, like just eyeballing it, this is a good serving, a healthy serving of protein. This is a balanced meal, you know. It gives you the tools to intuitively eat later on, and that's the beauty of it. So you know again. That's why it's important to look at the calories and the macronutrients and learn a little bit about that. Because, again, going back to the poor woman who's probably finding all these healthy recipes and wondering why she's not losing weight, she's eating the healthier pasta, alfredo. Why isn't she losing weight? And it's like well, because the calories are the same. They just used protein pasta.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so please be aware of your recipes. I feel like this should be a law moving forward. I don't know Just like they're required to put nutrition labels on, like packaged foods. I feel like there should be some sort of nutrition on recipes, because that is a little misleading, right? So, yes, just be aware. Misleading, right. So, yes, just be aware.

Speaker 1:

If you follow somebody who gives recipes and they don't share it, either comment and ask them to share it or email them or whatever. I always share full macros on my recipes and if not, just unfollow them. It's not worth it, it's really not. Or if there's a recipe you want, send it to me and I'll see if I can make it macro friendly or healthy for you, or I'll check it myself and be like probably not a good idea, right? So, yes, that is my tidbit for today.

Speaker 1:

With that being said, if you are interested in learning how to track your macros really track your macros maybe you've tracked them before and you're like screw this, this is hard. You want to know how to make it a tool, not like some diet, or you're carrying a scale with you everywhere, or you're super stressed out. I am running a 14-day experience. We will probably be on day three at the time of this episode coming out, but that's fine because it's going to live in the Telegram app forever. That's where I'm hosting it. If you aren't aware, telegram is a double encrypted messaging app, so it's very secure and it's like WhatsApp. It's literally just a messaging app, but it is a great place to host group and intimate spaces like this. So it's a 14 day experience.

Speaker 1:

Each day, I'm going to be dropping some education. There will be Q&As resources about tracking your macros, and I do it through voice memos which you can listen to on your own time. You don't have to show up live. I'll be also writing out some teaching as well, because I know some people like to hear, some people like to read. You have the opportunity to comment and engage as well. So it's a great experience. It's only $27. If you want to join, you can definitely still join us. It'll be yours to keep forever. You just have to download the telegram app. I'm going to drop the link below in the description box for you to join us. Once you sign up, please just message me um facebook, instagram at tina wyland fit, tinaand Fitness. You can email me at tinaweilandfitness at gmailcom so I can send you the link to join our group. Okay, after purchasing, but other than that, I think that's all I got for you today. So have a wonderful rest of your day. Watch out for those healthy recipe labels, and we'll chat soon. Bye, guys.

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