The Tea with Tina

217 | The Truth About Sourdough Bread

Tina Wieland Season 1 Episode 217

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Is sourdough bread truly the health marvel it's made out to be, or just another overhyped trend? In this episode of Tea with Tina, we tackle the recent sourdough craze, weighing its health benefits against the need for a balanced perspective on popular trends. We'll look at how personal experiences shape our views and discuss the importance of considering multiple angles when forming opinions on health fads.

We'll also revisit the conversation on weight loss shots like Ozempic. Opinions evolve, and so has ours, as we focus on how to support those using such treatments with proper nutrition and exercise to maintain muscle mass. Whether you're a sourdough enthusiast or curious about weight loss strategies, this episode promises valuable insights and a fun, relaxed chat. So grab your favorite drink, unwind, and join us for another enlightening session on Tea with Tina!

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Tea with Tina, your favorite podcast, where we talk all things health, fitness, lifestyle and maybe a little bit of tea gets spilled.

Speaker 2:

We chat all about this in a super casual environment, so grab your beverage of choice, sit back, relax and enjoy relax and enjoy.

Speaker 2:

Hello everyone and welcome back to another episode of the Tea with Tina podcast, and today we're talking about sourdough, something quite trendy the past couple months and years. Is sourdough bread actually healthy? Right, we see this happen so much. If you're around long enough, you can catch it. Fitness and health it just you know we like to cherry pick a food or an exercise or something and we make it the goddess food. And listen, I love it. We love a good, fun trend to lean into.

Speaker 2:

But I just want you to go into it with the proper mindset, right. Because like, let's, let's talk about blueberries. Okay, I'm just gonna like pick a random food. Oh, my god, blueberries are the amazing superfood. They have so many antioxidant benefits. They're wonderful for you, blueberries. And then like, okay, you gave up everything you wanted to eat and you're like screw everything else, blueberries are amazing, that's all I'm gonna eat anymore. You like look like verruca from uh willy wonka and you turn into a blueberry. No, you know, I just don't want you to think it's the end-all, be-all.

Speaker 2:

I want you to look at it from different perspectives. That's how I am. I believe that is how any good researcher, any good person who's trying to form an opinion should look at anything. We need to look at all sides before we can truly make a decision. And I'm going to say, any decision that a human makes sorry if I get philosophical is flawed because, um, we form opinions based off of our personal experiences. We truly don't see the world through a completely neutral lens. I mean, think about it from the moment you're born. Your environment, your family, your experiences all shape who you are and your opinions on things, and everybody around you has completely different experiences. Some of them might have had similar experiences and this is why we form opinions right. So I believe. I think, when we learn to look at all the sides and from different perspectives, it allows us to get closer to that neutral view of the world and to form a true opinion. Sorry, I'll get off my high horse here, but I will die on that hill because I mean, unless you have, you're strongly passionate about something. I think it's important, and I will say even me.

Speaker 2:

I think I did make a podcast about Ozempic and my thoughts on it. I still think I had a pretty neutral view, but I was a little bit more angry. I guess my context was coming from. I don't want people to hop on this who have not tried Ozempic regular health and fitness things properly and just do it because they think it's going to be the quick way for weight loss. I will agree on that side. Right, if you're doing this for a quick fix and thinking it's going to solve all your problems, it's not. But I'm learning more now about the weight loss shots because so many people are on them, and how to help them create a fitness journey, because you're going to lose a considerable amount of muscle when you lose that much weight that quickly, especially if you're not working out. So how to support them through nutrition and working out so it can work in correlation with the shot, right? So I'm kind of having more of an accepting view. Not that I never really did again. It's just the people that want to hop on it, which there's always going to be, those people that think it's going to solve all their problems. It's just going to become another fad diet for them, right? So it's sad, but it happens.

Speaker 2:

So, getting into the sourdough though is sourdough bread actually healthy? It's so trendy, everyone's making it. Everyone's claiming like oh, you can control the ingredients that go into it. I am so healthy and listen. I support making food from scratch. That's awesome. I think it's a fun hobby. I think it's cool to be able to control what you put into it, because there are some things that if you make them from scratch like I make these brownies from scratch and while the ingredients are probably very similar, there's they lack, like certain preservatives to keep them shelf stable. Not saying that they're necessarily bad, but it does alter the taste and there's just something about when you make it fresh from home, it just tastes that much better. You're happy that you know what goes into it. You kind of feel like a little pioneer woman. It's great, right.

Speaker 2:

But I will say this sourdough bread is not a miracle food. I see it floating around because, you know, many women still have the mindset that carbs are the enemy. Carbs are evil and bad, and let me tell you that the reason that that gets the bad rep is most carbs that you're eating aren't the healthy kind, like sweet potatoes, rice, um, veggies, whole grains right, we're thinking carbs are like cookies, ice cream, candy chips, granola bars, like all of the loaded with sugar, lower quality carb type stuff. So it's more of just a food choice thing. Not necessarily carbs themselves are bad, but yeah, so everybody's running around being like, well, sourdough bread is way better. And I did some research and here's what I found Sourdough bread actually does have less gluten in it, which I found very interesting.

Speaker 2:

I think it's just the method of how you make it, so it has less gluten overall, which could be great for those who are gluten sensitive. So that's kind of cool. I love that Again, think that's really great, and because of its particular nutrient profile that's in it, it won't spike your blood sugar, so that's also pretty cool, right? So I mean, I would say that sourdough bread maybe could be a healthier alternative to other bread options, especially if maybe you feel like you're struggling with some insulin stuff, some blood glucose stuff, some gluten stuff, all that stuff, it could be worth trying it making it on your own, buying some from the store, testing it out that way compared to regular bread In my experience, though I could be wrong I could have swore like sourdough bread can be kind of hefty in calories.

Speaker 2:

So just be aware of that. If you have certain dietary goals Like, it's been a while since I got some sourdough bread it's really good if you do like French toast, but I remember, like looking on the back, like with the loaf, and they did the slices. I forget how much was in a slice, but I think it could be a lot. So just again something to think about. You know, just because something's healthy doesn't mean it can't have a ton of calories in it as well. But I'm also going to say it's not like. Let's not make blanket statements about this, right? Let's not be like sourdough bread is the best bread ever. I'm not allowed to eat any other bread besides sourdough bread. I'm only going to make my bread at home. If I eat any other bread, I'm going to die.

Speaker 2:

Now I will say the quality of bread in the United States is kind of crappy. I can go into a whole thing about that. Look it up the type of wheat that they grow here it's red wheat and the pesticides that they put on it. Our gluten actually has more gluten in it, like it's a stronger gluten than like gluten grown over in Europe and it's based off of its like cell structure because it needs to hold up to like weather and things like that. So you know, there's a lot of factors that go into play and that's why I feel like a lot more people have gluten sensitivities here and because they're exposed to more gluten, it's like a lower quality of bread. So yeah, there's a whole thing.

Speaker 2:

Pretty much what I'm teaching you through this and through other episodes, when I try to frame my opinions and educate you guys, is to just be better, be better researchers. You know, don't always take what you hear, you know for granted, like don't. Don't take it and say, yep, that's right. Like I have learned over the years to question everything, be curious, you know. You don't have to be like rude about it, but just be like hmm, you know this headline. That's a very strong claim. Let me research this a little bit. Like, even if you see like a clickbait, like title, click on the article and read it like nine times out of ten, it's, it's not even gonna be close. It's kind of like a game, right.

Speaker 2:

So just question things, think about context of things, right. Like, is this gonna apply for me? To to me like, is this information good for me? You know, because it rarely is it black and white? I know our brains love to like categorize things as black or white. It hates gray space because that leaves uncertainty and a lot of room for situational error. But try, explore it, invite it.

Speaker 2:

Um, there's a guy at my gym actually it's really funny. He um he always like, throws these questions at me. He's like what are your thoughts on this, what are your thoughts on this? And I'm always like, well, it depends, and you know, I give my feedback and he's like you always question everything, don't you? He's like I like that. He's like you do explore things from all sides and it's true, and even things that I might not necessarily agree with, that I think are preposterous, I still explore from other sides, right?

Speaker 2:

This is a great topic and something that I think needs to be continually drilled into your head. It's continually drilled into my head because I still fall victim to, like you know, falling for extreme headlines or not thinking about it critically. You know we're not perfect, but it's just something to be better at, right. So you have better control and you're not stressing yourself out, thinking, if I don't eat sourdough, my life is going to be ruined, right? So, yes, sourdough has some cool little benefits with the nutrients. It's better for gluten sensitivity, um, regulating blood sugar, it's fun to make at home.

Speaker 2:

But don't feel like, oh my god, like don't get fear-mongered into like I have to make sourdough bread from home. Um, I'm. Any other bread I'm eating is poisoned. Now I probably wouldn't go for like the wonder bread you know like. Try to go for like like the dave's killer bread's really good, the ezek Bread in the frozen section. Go for higher quality breads if you're going to buy them and you can afford them. Or try your hand at making some at home and see how that goes. Okay, so I hope that helped maybe clear up some things for you about sourdough. Still a great thing to do, but again, just taking away the black and white aspect of it. All right, guys, so I think that's all I have for you today. That is all we're chatting about and I hope you enjoyed this episode. Go enjoy your sourdough bread and we'll chat soon. Bye.

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