The Tea with Tina

222 | How ADDING Food To Your Diet Will Help You Lose Weight

Tina Wieland Season 1 Episode 222

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Ever wondered why calorie counting alone isn't helping you shed those extra pounds? Tune in to this insightful episode of Tea with Tina as we challenge the conventional wisdom of weight loss. We dive into the power of nutrient-dense foods and how they can actually aid in weight loss by keeping you satiated and energized. Learn about the hidden dangers of high-calorie, low-nutrient foods and why your body might still feel hungry after consuming them. We'll also uncover the impact of processed foods on your cravings and overall health, emphasizing the critical importance of prioritizing food quality over mere calorie count.

Uncover eye-opening truths about your morning eating habits and how they might be sabotaging your nutrition for the entire day. From seemingly healthy foods that may be misleading to practical tips for creating balanced, nutrient-rich meals, this episode is packed with actionable advice. Hear real-life client stories that demonstrate the life-changing effects of improving diet and hydration, such as reduced cravings and enhanced well-being. Grab your favorite beverage, sit back, and get ready to transform your approach to eating for optimal health and sustainable weight loss!

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Speaker 1:

Hello everyone. Today, on the Tea with Tina podcast, I want to chat about how adding food yes, adding more food to your diet will help you lose weight, and I'm going to be explaining why. Alright, guys, buckle up and let's dive in. Welcome to the Tea with Tina, your favorite podcast, where we talk all things health, fitness, lifestyle and maybe a little bit of tea gets spilled. We chat all about this in a super casual environment, so grab your beverage of choice, sit back, relax and enjoy, all right. So you're probably thinking Tina, you're crazy. How can I add more food into my diet and lose weight? Aren't I supposed to be in a calorie deficit? Isn't it like the less you eat, the more weight you're going to lose? Yes and no.

Speaker 1:

A lot of the stuff in fitness that you see requires context and a lot of it. You have to think a little bit outside of the box, because usually on a surface level, if it's not working out, there's something deeper going on that we're not quite catching, and that's kind of what I'm going to talk about today. So this topic stemmed from. I was looking on Instagram reels and this girl I'm probably going to butcher what she said, but she said something to the effect of. You know if you're eating, you could eat a couple thousand calories and still be hungry because your body's not getting the nutrients it needs. Right? I'm gonna say it again you could be eating a couple thousand calories, like maybe you eat three, four thousand calories in a day, but it's still hungry because it's not getting the nutrients it needs. And this is a common thing I see in today's world.

Speaker 1:

A lot of the food that's advertised to you, a lot of the food that's easily available to you, where you don't have to go out of your way, it's very high calorie, very high carb, very high fat, so it's meant to kind of satiate you for a little bit. There's a whole thing of like hey, they want it to digest quickly, so you'll buy more. They don't care if you get fat, they just want you to buy more of the product. They want to push more of the product and it's cheaper and it tastes better. You know all that stuff, but a lot of it is stripped of nutrients, whether it's like white bread, where they take all the nutrients out of it to the point where they have to inject artificial nutrients into it. Right, because they take all the natural nutrients out. Fast food and things like that. Like I said, when you just make these kind of non-natural, more processed foods, usually they take that stuff out because it makes it more shelf stable and it just it's kind of just empty taste good calories, right. So that's the issue that I'm seeing today Even things that are labeled healthy, you're not getting the most bang for your buck.

Speaker 1:

It's so incredibly easy to go over on your calories, especially in America. It's just, it's the way the food rolls out here, it's more processed, there's a lot that goes into it. So I'm going to tell you that this is probably why you are probably feeling hungry, and that's why I like to use the phrase getting the most bang for your buck, because it's so true. You can eat like if I gave you 2000 calories and you ate 2000 calories worth of fast food. So imagine how hungry you're going to feel and how crappy you're going to feel, right, versus if I give you 2,000 calories of balanced, nutrient-dense food. You're going to feel fuller, your body's going to get nutrients that it needs and it's going to feel better, more energized.

Speaker 1:

Because the thing is, when we're deficient on vitamins and minerals, our body reacts in a certain way and oftentimes it's very subtle things that we just brush off as being tired or something. You know we'll get headaches, we'll feel tired, we'll feel weak, even hungry, just different little side effects that can kind of go unnoticed. But it's very true and I'll never forget that, because when I was studying for my nutrition certification precision, in their textbook they actually list all the common vitamins and minerals and they give the symptoms of what it is to be deficient in it and what that you know vitamin and mineral does. And it's funny going through it. A lot of them have similar symptoms, which makes it hard, and even some of it can be dry and brittle nails. You know always tell me oh, your, your hair's so healthy and shiny and I attribute that to getting healthy fats, getting enough nutrients, drinking plenty of water. Even my cat they're always like, oh my god, he has such shiny hair. It's because we give him quality proteins like quality food. It's not the lower brand that has a lot more additives and probably less nutrients. And even his treats are simply freeze-dried minnows. They're not processed, it's literally a freeze-dried minnow. So it does make a difference on how you look and feel.

Speaker 1:

Now, humans are pretty resilient, though. It's pretty fascinating how we can run on very little. I'm always amazed at how people can survive and get by on very little, like obviously it will eventually catch up with you, but like I see people running around drinking 20 ounces of water, like eating potato chips, and I'm like, how are you alive? I like drink 20 ounces of water less and I'm like, done, you know. So it all depends, but that's also something that is tricky. I feel like once we get you know, it all depends, but that's also something that is tricky. I feel like once we get you know, we have a busy time at work, maybe we have kids and we kind of slowly fall into these bad habits and we don't even realize it's happening because we're so focused on other things that we're so out of tune with our bodies, we're out of tune with the messages that it's telling us until it screams aka maybe you get diagnosed with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, you have panic attacks, you feel like garbage to the point where you can't go into work, you get sick. You know, we don't listen to the whispers because we're so busy, busy, busy, busy with other things that we don't even realize what we're doing. So this is the first step is recognizing what you're doing. This is why I tell people you know when you diet or when you're just eating.

Speaker 1:

In general, I want you to actually take note of your food. You know, log your food. If you don't want to log your food, take note of when you eat a meal, how you feel. Are you hungry in like an hour? Does it keep you satisfied for a couple hours? What's going on? Does it make you have indigestion? Do you feel bloated? You know, take note of those things because then you can adjust accordingly. If you eat a meal and you thought it was healthy and balanced and you're hungry in an hour, it's probably not balanced. You probably need more protein in there, you probably need more fruits and veggies for fiber and different things like that, and this is where the adding in comes in. Okay, so like, let's just say, your typical breakfast would be like a coffee with like some sort of baked good in the morning, right, whether you get it through Starbucks, drive-thru, dunkin, something. At home you have toast, whatever. Okay, so you're having your sugary coffee with.

Speaker 1:

And let me tell you guys I was on TikTok, some of these people there's this one girl who does Dunkin' orders and she'll show the orders people put in. It is insane what people get and I've seen this happen at the drive-thru. I heard a lady in front of me one time order drive-thru. I heard a lady in front of me one time order 16 Splenda packets in her coffee and I'm like holy crap, they get like 20 pumps of flavoring and it's like three-fourths of the cup will be flavoring and sugar and then like one-fourth of the cup will be coffee and I'm like, oh my god, like I don't even know how much sugar is in that. Like way too much, right? So the people are ordering these drinks and that might be one extreme, but there's a lot of them out there and then you're eating this kind of like carby sugary meal, right, which is your bread or your pastry or whatever.

Speaker 1:

It's pretty common for people to eat that way in the morning. I've seen it. Okay, but what can we do? Because that's going to leave you hungry, like it's going to taste good, but you're going to be hungry in like an hour and then you're going to be starved and then maybe you're going to skip lunch, and then that's why when you eat dinner at the end of the night you're snacking on potato chips and chocolate and you're like I don't know why I'm snacking on everything. And it's like well, it's because you didn't really eat anything good until dinner time and you're starved. You starved yourself all day. I see this happen so so much in different varieties. So if you're listening, you go oh well, I don't eat the pastry and I don't get the coffee. You're still probably messing up somewhere. Okay, because some of it can be tricky.

Speaker 1:

People think that they're eating healthy. Like on the surface it'll look like, oh, that's not a bad meal, but then when you actually break down the nutrition of it which is why I'm such a big advocate of tracking your calories and macros to some extent you'll notice that the meal itself isn't balanced, like it'll be really high in carbs and like no protein. It's not as high as protein as you thought. A good example is one of my clients had imitation crab and I didn't know this. The imitation crab had a ton of carbs. I was like wait, your carbs are off. Like why are they so high for this meal? And then when I looked up imitation crab, it has like 15 to 20 carbs and the protein's like nothing. And when in your head you're thinking oh well, this is imitation crab. This is a meat. It's gonna be like chicken or ground beef. It's gonna have protein in it and no carbs. No, because it's imitation. Whatever they put in it, it adds carbs, so like it was an eye-opener.

Speaker 1:

And this happens with tons of foods every day in people's diets and this is why when they think they're eating healthy, they're not, and you can also overeat on healthy foods. I have another client that's like that. She does a lot of nuts and fruit and, um, just generally things that are labeled as healthy but in larger quantities, like, if I don't know if you've ever seen like a serving size of walnuts. It's very small. It's like 150 calories, I believe, for a serving size and, like I, it's like a handful. But people, if you're having two, three handfuls, you can easily have three to 400 calories worth of nuts and they're healthy and they're good, but that can throw you over calorie-wise and you're not getting enough bang for your buck, right?

Speaker 1:

I'm making this simple and a little bit extreme, so you get the idea. You're feeling hungry. So what can we add to this meal? We can add protein. Maybe you throw a vanilla protein shake in with your coffee, make it easy, cut back on some of the sweeteners, right? Maybe we add a couple hard-boiled eggs. You still go through the drive-thru, but either you order the eggs from the place you go to or you just bring them with you. Maybe you add some fruit yeah, some fruit with your pastry. You get some fibers and some nutrients in there. So there's different ways that we can add in things without necessarily taking away, and what begins to happen when we do this is we start to get the nutrients that we need and we actually end up eating less in the long run. You know you're going to be eating more protein and more fruits and veggies, so you're actually going to get filled up on less and you're going to figure out that you don't even crave that other stuff anymore.

Speaker 1:

One of my clients is like that she doesn't crave. Um, she was a big alcohol drinker and once we kind of got her diet under control and just generally her wellness and her stress levels and everything she's like. Honestly, she's like I don't even feel like drinking alcohol. She's like when I do it upsets my stomach. She's like I rarely do it anymore. She's like I used to rely on it. It's like now I don't. So it's one of those things that kind of naturally happens when you do truly eat in a balanced way. That's nutritious. And of course I I live by the 80-20 rule. I'm not saying you should never eat anything processed, ever again, but balanced. We do want that 80-20, because then our body can handle those things in smaller quantities. But it starts to kind of correct itself, right?

Speaker 1:

Even something as simple as drinking water, adding water in, you'd be surprised at how different you feel. You might like my one client too. Crazy stories from my clients is she wore contacts every day and she was only drinking like 20 ounces of water a day Not a lot and we got her up to I would say she's around like 60 to 80 ounces of water. Now she goes oh my god, she's like my contacts don't hurt my eyes anymore because my eyeballs are actually hydrated now because I'm drinking enough water and we don't even think about those little things, right? You're just like oh, my eyes are dry, whatever, but it's like something as simple as drinking water down to the cellular level can affect every little part of your body. So really remember that.

Speaker 1:

That's why I always encourage people to go back to the basics, because at the end of the day, if're not doing the basics, you don't have a strong foundation. If you try to throw all of these weird things like, oh, maybe if I just take this supplement, this supplement will be the one thing that changes everything. This move will be the one thing that changes everything. If I eat this one superfood, it's going to change everything. No, it's like throwing fuel on the fire if you you're already out of whack. This one thing is not going to change anything if your foundation is not solid. Right? It's like trying to, like paint a car, buy car seat accessories and make it look pretty, when you don't even change the oil and you're just running it and then the engine blows up. Right, that's exactly what buying supplements and stuff is right For our bodies, because our bodies it's very similar to a car.

Speaker 1:

You have to do the maintenance on it, rotate your tires, change your oil, make sure you keep up with the regular things that tend to go at a certain amount of mileage. Our bodies are the same way, right? So think about that. Think about your food choices that you're eating. Think about hey, how can I be a little bit more balanced here? Am I hungry after I eat this? What can I do to be a little bit better, and if you are somebody who needs help with that, feel free to message me. You can actually shoot me a text. There should be a link in the show notes. I do get those messages. Send me a message. I'd love to chat with you. If not, you can check out my website, tina Weiland Fitness. You can apply for coaching there and we can chat a little bit more to see if it's a good fit for you. All right, but other than that, guys, that is all I have today. I hope you have a good rest of your week and we'll chat soon. Bye.

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