The Tea with Tina

223 | The Atlantic Diet: Another Diet Fad?

Tina Wieland Season 1 Episode 223

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Curious about the unique eating habits of Northwestern Spain and Portugal? Ever wonder how the Atlantic diet stands apart from the Mediterranean diet? On today's Tea with Tina podcast, get ready to uncover the secrets of this traditional eating pattern that features red meat, pork, potatoes, cod, cheese, and dried fruits. Discover the profound health benefits of consuming local, fresh, and minimally processed foods. We'll also discuss the enriching lifestyle practices that come with this diet, such as dining with family and taking leisurely daily walks. Join me as I also ponder the societal shift away from wholesome eating and the rising trend of homemade meals due to skyrocketing processed food costs.

But that's not all—I want to hear from you! After diving deep into the Atlantic diet, I invite you to connect with me on social media. Reach out on Instagram at Tina Weiland Fit or on Facebook as Tina Weiland. Share your thoughts, ask questions, or simply come hang out. Let’s build a thriving community passionate about health, fitness, and wholesome living. Have a fantastic day, and let's chat soon!

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Speaker 1:

Hello everyone and welcome back to another episode of the Tea with Tina podcast. Today we are talking about a new, trendy diet I saw pop up, saw it on the front of a magazine cover and I was like I gotta look into this. So I'm giving you the inside scoop of what this diet is, and is it a fad or is it legit? So let's dive in. Welcome to the Tea with Tina, your favorite podcast, where we talk all things health, fitness, lifestyle and maybe a little bit of tea gets spilled. We chat all about this in a super casual environment. So grab your beverage of choice, sit back, relax and enjoy, all right guys. So the fad diet that I saw I shouldn't call it a fad diet, I'm just saying it's a fad diet because it's a random new diet that popped up, right? This diet that I saw on a magazine cover while checking out at the grocery store was the Atlantic diet and I was like, oh, the Atlantic diet, what's that? I've never heard of that. So I googled it and I'm assuming it was something similar to the Mediterranean diet, because it sounds simpler, right? So let me? Let me just explain. I'm going to read from preventioncom the Atlantic diet is a traditional diet in Northwestern Spain and Portugal. It is a similar feel to the Mediterranean diet, but with slightly different foods like cod, red meat and pork products. Yeah, so you're allowed more red meat and pork. The Mediterranean diet is usually like fish and chicken right. Potatoes, which are not usually found in the Mediterranean diet, also show up in the Atlantic diet. This isn't the only research that found health benefits of the Atlantic diet. You know people who did it 917 people. They lowered their risk of death from any cause over 14 years. People who followed the diet also had a lower risk of death from heart disease and cancer. They say that people with metabolic syndrome aka like insulin resistance and stuff like you have a slow metabolism could benefit from this, could benefit from this.

Speaker 1:

And then the diet has a wide range of foods, including local, fresh and minimally processed seasonal foods like vegetables, fruits, whole grains, beans and olive oil. This diet also has a lot of fish, including cod and seafood, along with starch-based foods, vegetable soups, potatoes, dried fruits, chestnuts, milk, cheese, cheese and moderate amounts of red meat, pork and wine. It also encourages dining with family, going for daily walks and being mindful with eating. Okay, listen, I love it. It's great, we love it. But here's my thing, guys, this is just how you're supposed to be eating. Okay, this got me really angry because, like, here's the thing, if slapping a name on how we're supposed to eat, you know, makes you do it, cool, but I hate, like, have we gotten so far removed from eating real food that it's like the way we're supposed to eat is now labeled a diet? That's the part that makes me angry. Okay, like, this is just how you should eat.

Speaker 1:

When I talk about eating less processed foods like, aka, things that aren't in a cardboard box, you're shopping on the outside of the grocery aisles. This is going to be your lean meats yes, you can have red meat in moderation. Fishes, chicken, pork, whatever. Your rice and veggies although I didn't see anything about rice. Well, I guess it says whole grains, whole grains, veggies, fruits, beans, healthy fats yes, that is everything there, right? So if we take away the processed box food your chips, your Oreos, your granola bars, your protein bars, your I don't know what's other stuff Crackers, all the stuff that is processed You're left with this. You're left with this, although I don't know. Does it talk about milk? I don't really see anything about milk. There is dried fruits. There is milk, yes, milk, cheese, nuts, so like yes, and it even recommends walking. I love it, but we should be eating this way already, okay.

Speaker 1:

So that's my issue with it is it's kind of alarming, I've. I just I feel like we've been spiraled into that trend, because I know me growing up I grew up on highly processed foods. If you're a 90s, 1000s baby, oh yeah, everything was processed. It was like we had like green and purple ketchup, you know blue applesauce, it was chicken nuggets, french fries, like everything was super processed and I grew up eating like that. I was no angel, perfect eater. I only took things into my own hands when I became an adult and like moved out of my house and I had the ability to cook and research on my own. But yeah, we need to be doing more of this. And again, if you want to, if you're happy that you're like, ooh, this is a trend and I love that. It's like categorized. For me, that's cool. If it works for your brain, Again, I'm all for that. But again, it's kind of alarming to me that we've gotten this far away and I see I see things kind of moving in the right direction.

Speaker 1:

You know, there's definitely, I think corporate food, like processed food, has gotten so expensive Like fast food's really expensive with inflation. I think they're kind of testing the waters. They're seeing how high they can charge for things before, like they lose profits. But that's making a group of people kind of like make sourdough bread at home and they're starting to have little gardens and they're going for more homemade stuff and it's almost it's becoming cheaper to make stuff on your own than to buy the process thing. Back when we were growing up in the nineties and thousands and even back to the 1950s when they started TV dinners and stuff, you know it was cheaper and it was nicer because the wife was always cooking and you grew up on a farm in the 1800s and you know you had to work and make everything from scratch and it was kind of like this sigh of relief to have instant ready-to-go things. It freed up time.

Speaker 1:

But the pendulum swings back and forth and I feel like we went to the extreme end of being processed the 90s and the 1000s, especially like with the supersize me documentary. You know, everything's like. You know, do you want to supersize your meal? Everything like like fast food. Restaurants were like a vibe back then. They were like killing it. I remember everybody's excited to eat at mcdonald's and burger king and all that and, and healthy food wasn't even thought of. And now we're the pendulum's starting to kind of swing back a little bit.

Speaker 1:

It feels like I think a lot of healthy food brands are stepping up. Um, their resources are becoming a little bit more widely available some something like poppy comes to mind. You know the fact that they have healthy tastes, good soda, like there's been healthy products throughout the years, but they kind of taste like garbage. Um, I'm still wondering about protein stuff. Like I just tried a high protein s'mores bowl recipe, so it used like cottage cheese, yogurt pudding and stuff like that and it tasted like garbage. I'm not gonna lie, I try these recipes before I share them with you guys and it's very hard to find stuff that you can make that's like like a dessert that's healthy. Hard to find stuff that you can make that's like a dessert that's healthy. You know you're better off just eating like chicken or ground beef right, keeping it simple. So it's very challenging on that end. We'll see if that ever changes. Usually there's like a consequence if something tastes really good, it's usually loaded with like carbs and sugar, even though there's protein in it or something like that. So you know, that's still a work in progress, but I think we're kind of moving in the right direction.

Speaker 1:

But again, guys, just be aware, be a conscious consumer. If you want to know how you should be eating, look at the Atlantic diet. That's what you need to do. And, of course, everybody's different. Everybody has different eating preferences. You may be vegan, maybe you don't like eggs, maybe I don't know you're vegetarian. Different preferences of things and different styles of eating, and there's cultural things. So take it with a grain of salt.

Speaker 1:

But I think this is a great template and I love that it does recommend the eating with the family, because that's that social component, and the walking every day, because it encourages movement. Not everybody wants to lift like a bodybuilder, not everybody wants to do CrossFit, not everybody even wants to do yoga, but walking is something that everybody can do, so I love that. So that's kind of my thoughts. I just wanted to pop on real quick and chat about that. I would love to know your thoughts about it. It does include wine in there. Okay, we love, we love ourselves some good wine. Wine's not bad, in moderation, right. But yeah, I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Speaker 1:

You can send me a message below. There is a link in the show notes. It should say send me a text. I get that. I get those messages and I can respond back to you. If not, you can message me at Tina Weiland Fit on Instagram. I'm also Tina Weiland on Facebook. Come chat with me, Come hang out. I'd love to meet you and chat with you, and other than that, though, I think I'm going to leave you with that. So have a great rest of your day and I'll chat with you soon. Bye.

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