The Tea with Tina

224 | How to Enjoy Desserts While Losing Weight

Tina Wieland Season 1 Episode 224

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Can you really have your cake and eat it too? Discover how to lose weight without giving up your favorite sweets in this episode of Tea with Tina. As a lifelong dessert enthusiast, I'll share my personal journey toward finding balance between fitness goals and indulgence. By understanding the power of moderation and the role our childhood food preferences play, we'll uncover how to recondition our tastes to enjoy healthier options. You'll learn actionable strategies for maintaining a balanced lifestyle that satisfies both your body and your sweet tooth.

Explore practical tips for managing sweet cravings throughout the day with me. From delicious Oreo-inspired overnight oats to protein-packed alternatives, I'll walk you through how to incorporate these healthier ingredients into your daily routine. We’ll discuss mindful dessert choices, such as sharing treats and opting for lower-calorie options, ensuring you never feel deprived. Additionally, we’ll delve into potential underlying issues like emotional hunger or insulin resistance, emphasizing the importance of seeking professional help if cravings persist. Join us to find out how you can stay on track with your fitness goals while still enjoying the occasional dessert!

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Tea with Tina, your favorite podcast, where we talk all things health, fitness, lifestyle, and maybe a little bit of tea gets spilled. We chat all about this in a super casual environment, so grab your beverage of choice, sit back, relax and enjoy. Relax and enjoy. Hello everyone, and welcome back to another episode of the Tea with Tina podcast Today.

Speaker 1:

You may have been in shock when you read the podcast episode title how do you lose weight while eating dessert? Sounds impossible, right, I'm going to show you exactly how, because I am the queen of loving desserts and sweet things. It has been ingrained in me since I was a child and I was determined to continue to eat sweets in moderation and maintain my fitness goals. Right, because for me personally, the main reason that I work out obviously is feeling my best and keeping my health well, but also, I work out so I am able to go out and enjoy foods that I love, and desserts are a part of that. When I travel and we just explore and enjoy weekends, me and my husband, a big chunk of the reason that we travel is to be able to stop at different restaurants and try their different foods, almost like when you see, you know, the cooking shows or the food shows. Like Guy Fieri, even Diners, drive-ins and Dives. He always just goes to these different restaurants and tries the foods right. And he started working out as well to maintain his physique, because when you eat all those high calorie foods it can be easy to pack on the pounds. But we want to be healthy and enjoy. You know, get the best of both worlds.

Speaker 1:

All right, and before we dive into that too, there is something exciting happening in the Tina Weiland fitness realm. If you are somebody who needs, you know, workout inspiration, you're somebody who needs fun, follow along workouts. You need structured programs, but you kind of get bored easily and you don't necessarily know what workout program is best for you. I created a low cost monthly workout subscription. It is called Fitness by the Minute and what you get with it is you get every month I'm dropping a four-week progressive program that is themed, so each week builds upon the next week, right? So we switch it up a little bit. It's not just, you know, four weeks of the same things over and over again.

Speaker 1:

This month's theme for August, at the time of recording this, is just going to be movement in 20 minutes or less, and all of the workouts within this on-demand subscription are going to be body weight or minimal equipment, so they're meant to be done at home. They're meant to be done if you're short on time. You can even do them in the gym if you bring some dumbbells into a little corner and you do your workouts. I've been just seeing an increasing need for this. And then, in addition to this, you're going to get access to the on-demand workout library, which I update regularly with follow along workouts. You know, I just did an everyday energy workout. I did a couple ab workouts in there. Again, they tend to be on the quick side, so you can pair them with other workouts. You can if it's like a seven minute ab workout, you could do it three times make it a 21 minute ab workout, right? There's a lot of flexibility there.

Speaker 1:

And I'm also going to have mini challenges each month to complement whatever the theme is. For instance, for the month of August, we're going to be doing a little exercise snack challenge, which, if you don't know what that is, I do have a podcast episode on it, so be sure to search it up. But the short version is exercise snacks are short bursts of exercise that can be done a couple times throughout the day, generally one to three times, and the time that you do it is maybe two to seven minutes max. So this is great. If you like work at a desk all day, maybe you work longer shifts you know 12 plus hour shifts. You're a mom and you like can't take more than two minutes away from your baby. Lots of opportunities here to do short bursts of exercise throughout the day and have it be just as effective as a full-blown workout. Research backs this up, so there is a lot of fun stuff going on, and it's only $25 a month. I also have an option, though, too if you just want to try the four-week progressive program by itself, get that for the four weeks, it's only $35. Okay, so that is a thing that's going on. Check it out for more information in the description box below. All right, and let's dive into the workout. The workout oh my goodness, let's dive into the workout. The workout, oh my goodness, let's dive into the podcast. Sorry, I was talking about workouts, so I was like, oh, let's dive into the workout, but anyways.

Speaker 1:

So losing weight while eating dessert how do we do that? Let's talk a little bit about the backstory of this. When I was a kid, I just grew up around dessert. I grew up being conditioned and I'm a firm believer that a lot of us, who love our processed food, our quote unquote unhealthy food, the fried stuff, the sugary stuff, stuff that has a ton of calories and carbs and fats but no real nutritional value I think we're conditioned to enjoy that. Yes, it's delicious, but I also believe that we could be conditioned to enjoy healthy food if it was presented to us in a positive way, right, it's kind of like we tend to associate that with create food with certain situations. Right, if we cry or had a bad day, we get ice cream. When we go out to party, there's not, like, a lot of healthy food there. It's alcohol, it's greasy food, sugary food, salty food. So our brain starts to create that association with the food that when I feel this way, I go for this. Like I said, this can be undone and we can retrain our brains.

Speaker 1:

Picture if you're at the beach and you sat there with a nice big bowl of fruit. Right, you can associate that positively. So that is one way actually that I wasn't even thinking about, but that is one way that you could train yourself to eat a dessert that's a little bit healthier. So, like when you normally would eat, like a full blown dessert, maybe go for fruit. I've actually trained myself to do this.

Speaker 1:

Personally, I would say 80% of the time I am eating like fruit a sweet yogurt, you know, dark chocolate chips or dark chocolate squares. So still, dessert items in smaller quantities maybe cool whip, whipped cream, add that to like you know healthier options. So these things might have protein because they're yogurt fruit. It's healthy. I would say these dessert options are no more than like 300 calories. Every now and then I have a banana bread recipe that I make and it's healthy banana bread. That's like 270 calories a slice. So if you think about it like a normal dessert, you're looking at probably 300 to 700 plus calories. But for a healthier dessert option, like some of the things I mentioned before, it could be 100 to 300 calories, maybe even less, depending on what you consume. And now we have ninja creamies out there with the high protein ice cream, which I need to get my hands on. There's just so many great options out there and ways to get creative, so that would be my first suggestion is you can still keep the habit, like we were talking about, of eating something sweet after dinner or whatever, having that healthy thing.

Speaker 1:

I actually have a client that likes to snack. Okay, this is along the same lines. She likes to snack and I said, well, why don't you create a little snack platter at the end of the night and she puts like M&M's nuts on it and she'll sit there and she fulfills her need to snack, but it's with healthier things and she still meets her nutrition goals. So think about what your thing is, even if it's not dessert, and think how can I make this healthier? Like, if you like chips, why don't you go for Quest protein chips? You know you're still getting that chip, the crunch, the taste, but you know you get 20 grams of protein in a bag, right. And then sometimes you can indulge in regular chips, but you know that 80% of the time, we want it to be more of the healthier choices, right. So think about that.

Speaker 1:

When it comes to your dessert options, think how can I make this a little bit better? Let me make this, you know most of the time. And then maybe on a weekend day, your treat meal day you treat yourself to a full blown dessert. Or there's a day, like if you're like me, where you just know your body's really craving something like a really good. You're just ready to eat your real dessert, eat it, get that craving out and then move on, right, so there's a lot of options with that.

Speaker 1:

Another thing that I do to be able to eat dessert every day is I will incorporate sweet food throughout my day, right, and I think a lot of people forget this. They think when we eat healthy, we have to eat, you know, plain chicken, plain rice, plain veggies. You know you're eating egg whites, like this very watered down extreme version of healthy. But like, if you haven't signed up for my Tina's tidbits email, that's a free email I send out Monday through Friday with recipe ideas, right, breakfast, lunch, dinner, desserts and all of those, I'm very mindful when researching them to make sure like the calories are good, because there's a lot of healthy foods out there that they'll be labeled as healthy because, yes, they use, you know, healthier ingredients. But then you look at the calories and it's like 700 calories and for like a breakfast or something, and you're like whoa, this is like really high in calories and it's like you're not. It's not necessarily better than you know a normal version of it and sometimes it's even worse. But just because it uses like you know, it's like organic Doritos, okay, like that's great, it's organic, but it's still Doritos. At the end of the day, it's not going to help your weight loss goals, right? So think about that with with your recipes. Like you can still make recipes that are healthy and balanced and still taste good, you can still use full fat cheese, you can make like copycat things and things that are delicious overnight oats. You just have to be a little bit mindful because there are some tricks out there that if you're in my world, you learn those things of how to make things taste good but still be nutrient dense.

Speaker 1:

And let me say this to the fitness realm has come a long way, even in in the past 10 to 15 years. I remember when I first started my fitness journey there were health options out there, but a lot of them kind of tasted nasty. There wasn't a lot that truly tasted good and I feel like now, since it's become more trendy and popular, they've actually gotten a lot of better tasting things that aren't super chemically either. Once we did finally get good tasting stuff, the chemical content in there be just ultra processed, but now we have, like the poppy, the healthy soda. There's a lot of like gluten free snacks that are really good, low sugar snacks that are naturally sweetened, that taste really good and they don't taste like yucky, you know. So we've come a long way. Be grateful for that. I hope that it only improves in the future as time goes on. You just have to be on the lookout of those things. Tiktok is a great place for that, if you're mindful about it. Pinterest is a great place to look up. You know, I always look up healthy, macro-friendly recipes. Even if you don't track macros, they're still mindful of being like high protein, lower calorie, you know, moderate carbs and fat and things like that.

Speaker 1:

No-transcript foods the sweets throughout my every day Like, let's say, you are craving something sweet. I just went through this phase. I'm doing breakfast burritos right now. So, because I kind of got over the sweet craving right, I did an overnight oat recipe which I adapted one that I found online. The calories are about the same, but I doubled the protein. Okay, so I did. It was an Oreo, cookies and cream overnight oat recipe.

Speaker 1:

I made some alterations, um, with like greek yogurt and things like that, and I cleaned up the ingredients a little bit and I also have this. Um, it's like a cookie butter powder, it's cookies and cream flavor. Let me tell you it tastes exactly like oreos, like it doesn't taste protein-y and I think for two tablespoons it's like 10 grams of protein. So that adds a nice little boost and I put that in instead of regular Oreos so it saves me a lot on my macros. Um, but it's really good. It's a or like a oatmeal base and then you create this like kind of thick pudding to put on top as a layer and that's where, like the Oreo cookies and cream part comes in with like whipped cream cheese, you know. So it's, it's good. And when I was eating it last week, let me tell you it tasted like I was eating a dessert.

Speaker 1:

And when you do that, like you don't crave the sweets anymore. You eat it and you're like, oh okay, like I resolved what I needed. Or maybe again eating fruit, throwing some dark chocolate chips on your yogurt, like a resolved what I needed. Or maybe again eating fruit Throwing some dark chocolate chips on your yogurt, like a handful of dark chocolate chips. Sometimes that can spice up things Again. Maybe you have pancakes. There's nothing wrong with having breakfast. For dinner, do some Kodiak protein pancakes. I put some egg whites in my batter to give me a protein boost and it makes them fluffier with the egg whites. So there's a lot of different things that you can do to incorporate those sweets and again, the desserts, your snacks. Lots of opportunities and it'll help to prime you that. Oh, I'm getting sweets regularly throughout my day, so I don't need to like binge on this crazy dessert.

Speaker 1:

Now a little bit of context, though. There may be some of you that you kind of have this uncontrollable hunger, right like when you're around sweets. It's like you eat one and you just have to eat the whole thing, even if you're not hungry, and there could be something deeper going on. So with my tips I'm talking to the everyday person. If you feel like you try these things and you're still struggling, you can't have that self-control, you don't know when to stop, you know, or you're just constantly craving the sweets, no matter what you are doing. That's when I would look into things a little bit further. That would be something either to deal with a therapist, because that could be emotional, could be emotional hunger Going to a doctor to get some blood work done. It could be something to do with insulin resistance? Are you pre-diabetic? How are your hormone levels? Do you have regular periods? So some things to think about there too, because there could be some other things going on that are more of a root cause and that's just a side effect, right. So think about that, be mindful. But you know, for the everyday person, these are definitely tips that I think can help with that. And then my last tip for you guys would be to actually plan regular desserts, like to eat them. When I say regularly, I mean depending on your fitness goals. If you have weight loss goals, I would definitely have it only be like once a week. If you're at maintenance, you might be able to get away with a little bit more, but eat regular desserts Like.

Speaker 1:

I have one client on Mondays. She works like weird shifts, so Monday is her kind of like weekend day. I think her Sunday like her day before the week starts. So they go out and they get ice cream. You know they'll get a little ice cream cone with rainbow sprinkles. That's her dessert once a week and it kind of curbs her craving and she looks forward to it. Right, she doesn't feel deprived. I know me.

Speaker 1:

We go out to eat usually on the weekends and I usually allow myself a real dessert when we go out to a restaurant. It's not all the time, because I'm not always craving it, because I again incorporate sweets regularly, but I will usually like we'll get a cannoli, or me and my husband will split a dessert. That's another great option. Split the dessert, because usually they're very rich and you splitting it like it's enough to satisfy your need, right? I know if you haven't used Yasso bars freaking, get Yasso bars. I eat one of those almost every night. It's 150 calories. For the chocolate covered ones, the regular ones with like no shell, are only like 100 calories, I think, and they just taste so good. They taste like real ice cream. They satisfy my craving. It's a good serving size. Everything about it is good Okay.

Speaker 1:

So that's another thing that you can do. And even sometimes when I'm really feeling like, hey, I need to cut back on the desserts, like I'm trying to lose some weight, um, I will drink something. I will have like mint, you know, almost like you brushed your teeth, you can kind of trick yourself into being like okay, because I I'm that kind of person when I have a dinner taste in my mouth, I need something sweet to almost like reset my palate, but you could chew gum. Andy's mints are great for this. You know the little mints you get like after Olive Garden. They're chocolate but mint and they're little. You know one or two of those. You know little things like that. The fruit works and just reset your palate.

Speaker 1:

And and again, it all depends on your goals, right? If you're trying to do this dessert thing and you're still not losing weight, try to cut back a little bit and and be a little bit more strict with it, but still allow the sweets, right, okay? So I hope this kind of helped you guys helped. It reframed your mindset. This is just something that I've done forever because I was stubborn. I was like, listen, I'm not following this super strict diet plan because I'm gonna go crazy and I'm not living the rest of my life like this. There has to be another way, and that's what it is. Of course, we still have to do things in moderation and be mindful, but that doesn't mean you cut out desserts forever. You can still have them pretty regularly. All right, guys. So thanks for tuning in and I will chat with you soon. Bye.

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