The Tea with Tina
The Tea with Tina is going to be your new favorite weekly chit-chat that will feel like a good, juicy sit-down with your BFF. This podcast isn't your average (and boring) radio talk show-styled podcast. We dig deep, get personal, and have lots of fun along the way. Hear some relatable stories and a different perspective on various topics from health and fitness to pop culture. I am Tina Wieland, a certified fitness trainer and nutrition coach. Grab your caffeinated drink of choice, get comfortable, and be ready to hear the TEA.
The Tea with Tina
234 | The 3 Most Common Fitness Personalities and How They Are Holding You Back
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Ever felt like your emotions are steering your fitness journey off course? On this episode of Tea with Tina, we promise to help you identify and manage the fitness personalities that might be tripping you up: the emotional one, the numbers nerd, and the perfectionist, also known as the all-or-nothing gal. Through years of coaching, I've noticed these patterns and how they influence our progress. Grab your favorite drink and get comfortable as we uncover how these personalities can lead to self-sabotage and what you can do about it. Whether you're led by fleeting feelings or an obsession with numbers, it's time to break through the noise and find balance.
Consistency and imperfect action take center stage as we explore practical tips to build habits that stick, no matter how you feel. We delve into the importance of routine actions that aren't swayed by emotions and the power of meditation in staying present. Let me share personal anecdotes and insights into how showing up, even on off days, fosters real growth. This isn’t just about workouts; it’s about cultivating a mindset that embraces the journey, imperfections and all. Get ready to discover how to take control and create a sustainable fitness lifestyle that works for you.
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Welcome to the Tea with Tina, your favorite podcast, where we talk all things health, fitness, lifestyle and maybe a little bit of tea gets spilled. We chat all about this in a super casual environment, so grab your beverage of choice, sit back, relax and enjoy, relax and enjoy.
Speaker 2:Hey friends popping back into the Tea with Tina podcast, thanks for being here. Grab your favorite beverage of choice, get cozy and let's talk about the three most common fitness personalities and how they are holding you back. I would say that from training so many people over the years, I see different personality types around. Fitness, like people, can be categorized and there's three main types, and I will say that you could also probably be a combination of some of these. You know so if you don't fit into just one category, that's okay. Depending on phases in your life and where you're at, you can also float between these, okay. So the three personalities that I've come across in my coaching are the emotional one, the numbers nerd and the perfectionist, aka the all or nothing gal. Whether you see yourself in one of these, or maybe a mix of all three, understanding how your personality impacts your fitness journey can help honestly make some breakthroughs and stop self-sabotage. All right. So let's dive in. All right, guys. So number one, the emotional one. First up we have the emotional one.
Speaker 2:She tends to approach her fitness and nutrition based on feelings. If she's stressed, sad or even bored, food and skipping workouts often becomes the comfort zone. Does this sound familiar. She'll say things like I deserve this cookie because today was rough, or I'm not feeling it, so I'm just going to skip today. Here's the thing Feelings are temporary and often fleeting, but the consequences of letting your emotions guide your choices can stick around longer than you'd like, especially as females. Um, if this is you, I want you to start with small habits that aren't tied to how you feel in the moment. For example, get outside for 10 minutes even when you've been feeling low. It's the movement that matters. Focus on building habits that become automatic, so your feelings don't derail your progress. All right, and I want to chat about this a little bit the the feelings. If we go based off of emotions, we're never going to get anything done.
Speaker 2:I could tell you that, especially as females, a lot of us like to think that our emotions are signs and, in a way, sometimes they can be um, but they we take it as like this premonition or the sign. It's like well, I'm feeling sad, so that must be a sign that I need to be sad, and it's like well, you can feel your emotions and you can process them. You can definitely have time to process them, but we don't want to dwell on them. We also want to learn to let the emotions kind of pass and go through us and we can still get what needs to be done while feeling sad, while feeling uncomfortable. That's actually why I freaking love meditation.
Speaker 2:Okay, it sounds so stupid, but meditation often teaches us, when we're sitting there, to be in the present moment and just be right. We're not trying to be happy, we're just being and observing. Um, and there's been times I've done meditation, like I ate dinner and my stomach hurt while I was sitting there meditating and I was like this sucks, but I was just there, I was experiencing it. Right, we're in the present moment. There's been times I felt really good. There's been times I've cried during meditation. Uh, like you have an emotional release. There's been times my mind has been wandering and I had to constantly bring it back. There's been times where the business next door was super loud and distracting and I still had to meditate.
Speaker 2:I've experienced all states of meditation and I think that's a great practice that teaches us to feel the emotion and just do it anyway. Right, feel things and do it anyway, and really you only get better if you practice it. That's why I preach messy action, imperfect action, keep showing up and I could tell you, for me it's easy with workouts. A lot of times I'm like I don't want to do this, but I'm like, too bad, you're doing it right now and usually once you get going it's fine. I don't want to eat this. When I'm packed for lunch, I'm craving something else. Too bad, just eat it, you'll be fine, you'll survive All right. Like getting into that habit of doing what to do to get done, not what feels good, is important. That's an important distinction. Think about that for a second. Doing what needs to be done, what is required to get the results that you desire, versus what you feel like you want in the given moment, are two separate things. Right, you're allowed to give in to what you feel, but just know you're not going to reach your goals because you're not doing what is required. And that's where the separation of emotion and what needs to get done is is honestly right. So something to keep in mind.
Speaker 2:The next thing we have is the numbers nerd. So let's talk about the numbers nerd. She's all about the data tracking calories, macros, steps, heart rate, you name it. She loves the data. She loves knowing exactly what's going on with her progress, but sometimes the obsession with numbers can become overwhelming. One off day or a change in the scale can feel like a failure. This girl has a tendency to get caught up in analysis paralysis, where, if the numbers don't line up perfectly, she questions if anything is working at all. For the number nerds, remember this numbers are a tool, not a verdict. They can guide you, but they don't define your success. Focus on the trend, not the day-to-day fluctuations. Sometimes progress happens off the charge, like better sleep, more energy or less stress. So make sure you're measuring those two, and I think we could see this in the modern science world.
Speaker 2:This is a very powerful uh statement. So in science, nothing is like it's fact until it's not right. In science, everything's well good. Science, should say, is an open door. Like everything is true until it's proven not to be true. Like space is a great example of this. There's a lot we don't know about space and things that we believe to once be true are no longer true. Right, like before, we could see beyond certain planets. Like we only thought so many planets existed and then we discovered more. And then we keep discovering more and more boundaries of space.
Speaker 2:But we don't know it to be true until we find it out and I think that can happen with our fitness, right, we only know what we know, so we have to kind of base it off of our data, but don't let that be the full story. You know, I think tracking data and looking at the data and approaching things with, you know, a scientific mindset, is important. But you know, you can also obsess over those numbers and again you turn into a number and you're like well, I've been 100% for all these days and now I'm 80% today and I'm a failure and I didn't hit all my numbers. And it's like it's an ebb and a flow, right, we want to look at the trends over time and again a lot of these progressions can happen off the charts and again, I think a perfect example of this is in the medical field that we still quite don't understand. I don't think we can wrap our heads around it.
Speaker 2:There are a lot of things that are physically happening and manifesting that we can't measure. And and again it comes in the fitness world as well there's things you just can't measure. I mean like maybe you can't with like emojis or something, if you want to rate certain things but you can't measure. Um, you know, more energy, less stress, like stress in blood work. You know, if someone's super stressed out, I've seen people go to the hospital many, many times from panic attacks. All right, we know it feels like we're dying, like we're having a heart attack, and then they run your blood work and they go everything's fine, but something happened, right, but we can't measure it and, um, often it goes overlooked because we can't measure it, we can't put numbers to it, we can't put a physical meaning to it, but it still matters, it's still important. So I encourage you, if you are a numbers person, to look at other things that maybe you can't necessarily measure, but really dive into those and know that you're more than just a number. Okay, so that's number two.
Speaker 2:And then the last person, the perfectionist or all or nothinger. I think we all have this a little bit in us, right? So I like to call this girl the perfectionist, the all or nothing gal. She believes, if she can't do it perfectly, why do it at all? Right, you know, someone slashed my tire. I might as well just slash the other three. She misses one workout or eats something off plan. She tends to think well, I've already messed up. Might as well. Wait until Monday to start fresh. Sound familiar.
Speaker 2:The truth is, perfectionism will kill your progress. It sounds counterintuitive, right, but no one is 100% on their game every single day Nobody, and that's okay. The goal is to aim for consistency, not perfection. One off day, one skipped workout, one slice of cake doesn't undo all of your hard work. It's about how quickly you get back on track, right, and the process of picking yourself back up and pushing through times when you're less than perfect is going to build that kind of muscle in your body, right. So if this is you, I challenge you to embrace the good enough mentality, the progress, not perfection. Right, it's okay. If you can only give 70 today, it's still better than zero. Progress is a marathon, not a sprint. Stop thinking that falling off track means you've failed. And with that, I think I'm going to leave you with that to think on.
Speaker 2:Think about what person you are right now. Maybe that you've experienced in the past, maybe you're a combination of these. Feel free to share with me. You can actually comment. You can leave a comment or send me a message. I'd love to chat with you, um, but yeah, we all experience this. Uh, it's all about kind of overcoming it with and making peace with it. But remember, we're not perfect. We're always a work in progress, all right. So if you enjoyed this episode, don't forget to subscribe, leave a review and share it with a friend who might see themselves in one of these personalities. But other than than that, I think I am going to let you go. Catch you next time and I'll see you in the next one. Bye.